Columbus Airport Jake Brewer Lounge

About this Location

The USO Columbus Airport Center supports currently serving military and their families traveling through Columbus. The center hosts welcome home and deployment events for local military units and is a safe haven for new military members traveling to boot-camp and for families during a Dignified Transfer of a fallen hero.

Services available include tv, gaming systems, comfort foods, and Wi-Fi, all in an area to relax and relieve the stresses of travel.

Amenities at this Location

Food & Beverages
  • Beverages
  • Coffee & Tea
  • Snacks
  • Charging Stations
  • Computers & Laptops
  • Phones
  • Printers
  • Wi-Fi
Multimedia & Gaming
  • Board & Table Games
  • DVD & Blu-ray Player
  • Playing Cards
  • TV & Cable
  • Xbox 360
Rest & Relaxation
  • Air Conditioning
  • Lounge
  • Toiletries
“After becoming a military spouse 12 years ago, I better understand and appreciate the sacrifices that our service members and their families make to defend and preserve our freedom. It is an honor to be part of the military community, and I am grateful for all the resources, like the USO of Central and Southern Ohio, that help make it stronger."
Elizabeth Fought, 2018 AFI Ohio National Guard Military Spouse of the Year Find out how to support USO

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